Friday, April 9, 2010

My Favorite Spring Bulb: Fritillaria meleagris

No other flower I know of has a bloom quite like this unusual one. I always refer to it as the Checkered Lily, but it is also called the Guinea-Hen Flower, and the Snake's Head Fritillary. It is a spring-blooming bulb that grows to about one-foot tall. For best results, plant in a part sun/part shade location, somewhere where you can see it from inside or near the house since it does bloom often when it is still a bit chilly outside. I must add that the squirrels probably feed on some of these in our garden. I am sure that I planted more of these, but it was so long ago I've simply forgotten.

1 comment:

  1. This is a favorite of mine, as well. They were just reaching their peak here in Atlanta when we got hit with an unseasonably hot couple of weeks. They were beautiful while they lasted.....


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