Friday, August 13, 2010

Oregon Native Plant Nursery, Part One

A week ago today, my friend and I drove south of Portland to our friend's nursery in Woodburn, Oregon to pick some of his delicious blackberries. Located in the middle of the Willamette Valley, Douglas's 10-acre spread had more than enough un-sprayed berries to suit both of our needs, so of course, as can be expected after an hour of two of hard work, I started to wander around with my camera. 

His is a small nursery, and as he states in his catalogs he is a: "Propagator and purveryor of wild seed source-crafted perennial and bulbous native plant materials of Oregon, and, of the West and Far West."

A view of my spoils.
The plant below is the native Meadow Checker-mallow Sidalcea campestris. Once mature, they are about 6 feet tall with single orchid pink blooms. I can assure you that next year I will have a few of these added to my garden. Douglas will bring back into production, starting next year, eight superb Oregon native Sidalcea species (False Mallows), including Sidalcea campestris

(Note the link below posted on OregonLive. I read it the day after our trip to Woodburn. Talk about good timing!)

Here are a few of the things that we saw that day:

Sidalcea campestris, Meadow Checker-mallow.
Navarretia squarrosa, Skunkweed and Gnaphalium stramineum, Chilean Everlasting or Cotton-batting plant. 
Erigeron speciosus, Showy Erigeron. 
Artemisia suksdorfii, Coastal sagebrush, an herbaceous perennial.
Inflorescences of Artemisia suksdorfii.
Solidago gigantea, Golden rod and native grass.
Current production in the shade house. 
Aquilegia eximia
Aquilegia eximia, before the bloom opens.
Sisyrinchium californicum, Yellow-eyed grass (and my foot).
Prosartes smithii, Smith's Fairy Lanterns.
Anaphalis margaritacea, Pearly everlasting. 
Phacelia bolanderi.
Many of the Sedum offered at the nursery.
Lewisia columbiana var. wallowensis (Wallowa Bitter-Root)

If you are interested in any of these plants, or if you are interested in more information, please send Douglas Chadwick of Oregon Native Plant Nursery an email. The nursery does not currently have a Web site, but there is an electronic catalog available that he can send to you online. He has many, many more rare and unusual native plants available. (


  1. Love the Aquilegia pre-bloom.
    Stopping by to say hello and wish you well!

  2. I love the Prosartes smithii. I've never seen it before but I'd like to add it for the ornamental fruits.

  3. Life currently has had me swamped with my part-time foster children and I keep meaning to post the second batch of photos. There is another plant with amazing fruits that are champagne colored in big bunches and I really liked it too. Will try to get those pictures up soon. I miss my blog.


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